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Gebruik die wet op kubermisdade om jouself te beskerm

Die Wet op Kubermisdade, wat jare al in aantog was, is nou (met ingang van 1 Desember 2021) uiteindelik grootliks van krag. Sommige bepalings word steeds opgehou, veral dié wat verband hou met “wraakpornografie” en die toestaan van beskermingsbevele. ‘n Hele reeks onwettige kuberverwante aktiwiteite word nou spesifiek gekriminaliseer.

Can I lose my job for lying when calling in sick?

An all-too-common complaint in workplaces comes from employers who notice a sudden surge in employees calling in sick on the day of a major sports fixture, or perhaps just on a “good beach day”. So as an employer what can you do about it if your “sick” employee is captured on TV enthusiastically waving a patriotic flag in the stands at a test match, or is recognised by another beachgoer…

12 Questions to ask before you sign that deed of sale

Whether you are buying or selling property, remember that it is too late to ask questions after you sign the Deed of Sale (often called a “Sale Agreement” or “Offer to Purchase”). “Knowledge is power” rings particularly true when it comes to any form of the process with significant legal consequences, so here are some of the essential questions you should ask upfront, before you commit to anything –

Waarom jy ‘n volmag moet onderteken voordat jy emigreer of reis

As jy emigreer, of dalk net oorsee gaan vir ’n verlengde vakansie of vir ‘n werkkontrak, gaan jy heel moontlik een of ander vorm van “onafgehandelde sake” agterlaat. Miskien besit jy ‘n eiendom, ander bates of bankrekeninge wat aandag nodig het, of het jy uitstaande belasting-/besigheids-/finansiële sake, of kontrakte wat onderteken moet word, motors wat gelisensieer moet word, of iets anders wat nog afgehandel moet word, wat jou toekomstige ooreenkoms of handtekening vereis.

Body corporate: Forcing access to units, and Round Robin Resolutions

Owning your own property comes with a raft of benefits, including a general right to privacy and control over who can access your property and who can’t.

But of course, there are exceptions. And apart from the obvious ones, a recent High Court judgment highlights one that is particular to sectional title schemes. It involved a unit owner whose “recalcitrant actions” prevented a body corporate from entering his unit to check for a water leak….

Verbal agreements – Not much good, but lots of bad and ugly

Firstly, although our laws of contract are complex, with many exceptions and “ifs and buts”, at the most basic level the only requirements for a binding contract are an “offer” and an “acceptance” of that offer. So, watch what you say! Make an offer to someone else, or accept another person’s offer, and that little voice at the back…

Wat gebeur na Egskeiding met ‘n Trust?

‘n Trusts word om ‘n verskeidenheid van redes opgerig. Die doel en struktuur van elke trust sal die keuse van trustees bepaal. Wanneer dit kom by gesinstrusts wat daarop gemik is om familiebates en gesinsbates vir toekomstige geslagte te bewaar en te beskerm, word beide gades dikwels as begunstigdes benoem… 

Antenuptial Agreements Explained

An antenuptial contract (also known as a marriage contract) is a legal document signed prior to entering a marriage and regulates the financial relationship between a couple. This might be especially important for someone who already has assets like a business, or family obligations like children from a previous marriage.. 

Buying and Selling Property: Who Pays What Costs?

Don’t risk not knowing what you’re doing when you either sell or buy property. Avoid nasty shocks by budgeting properly for the costs you will incur – some of them can be substantial, and some are less obvious than others. 

Beware the badly worded bond clause!

A recent High Court decision provides yet another reminder to have your property sale agreement drawn (or at least checked) by a professional. Before you sign anything! As is the case in many such property sale disputes, it started with one of the parties – in this case, the seller – looking for a way to escape the agreement after getting cold feet.

Basic Employment Condition Act: Parental leave, adoption leave & commissioning parental leave

This law recognises the importance of family bonding time between the parents and a child. It specifically includes the rights of biological fathers, same-sex parents, transgender parents, adoptive parents and even surrogates. In essence, an employee, who is a parent of a child, is entitled to at least ten consecutive days of parental leave,

Divorce: Claiming interim maintenance and a contribution to legal costs

Even if your marriage is collapsing around you, you might be afraid to sue for divorce because you have no money to survive on, plus you know that a hotly contested divorce might take years to finalise while your breadwinner spouse fights you tooth and nail every step of the way.

Directors at war: Terminating email access

When company directors are locked in dispute, one of them may be tempted to cut off the other’s access to emails and to the business server – a tactic likely to have immediate and serious consequences for the director thus cut off. Its appeal as a tactic to force the other director to the negotiating table is obvious…

‘n Slagoffer van seksuele teistering moet dit onmiddellik aanmeld

Werkgewers het ‘n plig om ‘n veilige werksplek vir hul werknemers te verseker. Werkgewers moet hul werknemers teen enige vorm van skade of verlies of aanval beskerm – ook teen seksuele teistering. ‘n Werkgewer wat versuim om dit te doen, kan eise vir skadevergoeding verwag.

When can a shop be sued for damages if a customer falls?

What happens if you fall while shopping and hurt yourself? Our law reports are full of cases where shops are sued for damages following “slips” and “trips”, and a recent High Court case confirms once again that as a general rule shops and malls are liable to keep their visitors from harm.

Things to remember when in an accident

Accidents will always happen, despite our best efforts. And when they do, they usually take us by surprise. So it’s a good idea to be prepared and to have a reasonable idea of what to do in the event of an accident. Here are a few simple things to remember if you’re involved in a traffic accident.

How to report and finalise a deceased estate

A deceased estate comes into existence when a person dies and leaves a will. The estate must be administered and distributed in terms of the deceased’s will. If a person dies without leaving a valid will, the estate must be administered and distributed in terms of the Intestate Succession Act.