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Family Law

Don’t let delays in the Master’s Office leave your family in financial distress

Whilst the first and most important step in your estate planning is always to have in place a professionally drawn and regularly updated will (“Last Will and Testament”), there is another aspect which demands your urgent attention, particularly now… It is essential that you provide for your family’s ongoing financial needs during the process of winding up your estate, because all your bank accounts will be frozen.

Unmarried Parents: A new ‘Notice of Birth’ ruling for fathers, with 3 Surname Choices

New parents, married or not, are obliged by the Births and Deaths Registration Act (“the Act”) to register their child’s birth with Home Affairs within 30 days. However in regard to the actual process of giving this “notice of birth”, the Act has always distinguished between married and unmarried parents. In particular, unmarried fathers have until now been unable to register the child under their own surname except with the mother’s permission. Given the importance – to the child, to the parents and to their wider families

Wat gebeur na Egskeiding met ‘n Trust?

‘n Trusts word om ‘n verskeidenheid van redes opgerig. Die doel en struktuur van elke trust sal die keuse van trustees bepaal. Wanneer dit kom by gesinstrusts wat daarop gemik is om familiebates en gesinsbates vir toekomstige geslagte te bewaar en te beskerm, word beide gades dikwels as begunstigdes benoem… 

Antenuptial Agreements Explained

An antenuptial contract (also known as a marriage contract) is a legal document signed prior to entering a marriage and regulates the financial relationship between a couple. This might be especially important for someone who already has assets like a business, or family obligations like children from a previous marriage.. 

Basic Employment Condition Act: Parental leave, adoption leave & commissioning parental leave

This law recognises the importance of family bonding time between the parents and a child. It specifically includes the rights of biological fathers, same-sex parents, transgender parents, adoptive parents and even surrogates. In essence, an employee, who is a parent of a child, is entitled to at least ten consecutive days of parental leave,

Divorce: Claiming interim maintenance and a contribution to legal costs

Even if your marriage is collapsing around you, you might be afraid to sue for divorce because you have no money to survive on, plus you know that a hotly contested divorce might take years to finalise while your breadwinner spouse fights you tooth and nail every step of the way.

‘n Slagoffer van seksuele teistering moet dit onmiddellik aanmeld

Werkgewers het ‘n plig om ‘n veilige werksplek vir hul werknemers te verseker. Werkgewers moet hul werknemers teen enige vorm van skade of verlies of aanval beskerm – ook teen seksuele teistering. ‘n Werkgewer wat versuim om dit te doen, kan eise vir skadevergoeding verwag.

Can You Change Your Marital Regime After Marriage?

The advertising requirement is designed to protect you as a creditor from having to claim from a debtor which suddenly becomes a worthless shell having quietly sold away from its business and/or assets beyond…


Who Gets the House on Divorce?

For those unfortunate couples whose marriages do eventually fall apart, often the most important asset in play from both a financial and an emotional perspective is the family home. So it is crucial for any couple…