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How to Safeguard Your Digital Presence: A Simple Checklist for Website Compliance

Your website, social media profiles, and other online platforms play a vital role in your business strategy and in staying ahead of your competition at all times. However, it’s not just about marketing effectively. Ensuring compliance with regulations is equally crucial, although often overlooked.

Fired For Moonlighting

“Moonlighting” is the practice of employees boosting their monthly income with a “side-job” or “side-business”. It has been a feature of working relationships since the dawn of history, but now the pandemic lockdowns and the shift to the “gig economy”

Nuwe jaar, nuwe besigheid – hoe om die regte entiteit daarvoor te kies

As jy daarvan droom om in 2024 vir jou eie rekening te begin woeker, vra jouself hierdie vrae voordat jy begin. Is ek ‘n entrepreneur? Jy het ‘n wonderlike idee, jy kan nie wag om jou nuwe besigheid te begin nie, sukses en rykdom wink vir jou! Nou moet jy jouself afvra – is ek geskik vir die uitdagings van entrepreneurskap?